What do you need to know to take out health insurance?

In addition to the coverage, medical insurance comprises a series of characteristics and conditions that you must take into account when hiring it. In this way, you will know better the product you are contracting and its particularities.

The Health Questionnaire:

Before contracting a policy and once transferred to an insurer or telephone agent, they will ask you to complete a questionnaire. It is a document where you will have to add all the data related to your health so that the insurer is aware of them and establishes the risk profile you represent. All chronic or pre-existing diseases must be included in this questionnaire.


In co-payment policies, the user, in addition to paying a fixed premium for his Health insurance, will also play a part in the medical service that he makes use of each time he uses it. Depending on the type of copy contracted, the amount will be higher or lower. Both policies have an established annual copy limit and others that do not have co-pays.

Read More: How does private health insurance work?


The grace periods refer to the time that has to elapse from when you take out the insurance until you start using certain coverages. In other words, to access certain specialists or services, some time will have to pass since you contracted the policy. Your insurer will have previously decided on these terms, which will also be the same for all users. Although each company determines the grace periods for each product, the truth is that they are usually quite similar.

Why use a health insurance comparator?:

The health insurance comparator offers you the convenience of seeing on the same page what policies the different insurers offer you, what coverage they have, and how much you will pay. In this way, it is much easier to choose the health insurance that best suits your needs.

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How does a health insurance comparator work?:

Using a health insurance comparator is as simple as indicating if you already have a policy when you plan to take it out or renew it and adding the details of the policyholder and the people you want to include in the insurance. Next, you will have to add your zip code, a phone number, and an email.

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