Practicing physical exercise is vital at all stages of life. However, it is not always easy to carry out a weekly training routine. Marathon work days, spending time looking after the little ones in the house or simply looking for a space for leisure. Not to mention the cold, rain and laziness that don’t always help to find motivation! Hence, many people have chosen to practice aerobic exercises from home.
An aerobic exercise routine will help you strengthen your muscles and joints. Plus, it’s an effective way to burn fat if you’re looking to lose some weight. Even so, it is important to practice them with proper technique to avoid injuries or health problems.
What are the best aerobic exercises? Are there some low-impact ones? Pay attention to this COMPLETE and FUN aerobic exercise routine that you can practice, and without leaving home!
What are aerobic exercises?
Aerobic exercises are those activities of medium intensity that are performed for a long period of time. They require good coordination between movement and you’re breathing. In fact, the term aerobic means “with oxygen.” And it is that the most common aerobic exercises increase the heart rate, so your body will also demand a greater amount of oxygen.
This type of body movement, especially when we talk about high-impact movements, requires a large consumption of carbohydrates and fats. For this reason, it is always recommended to complement them with a diet adjusted to the intensity and frequency with which you practice them.

What are the health benefits of doing aerobic exercise?
Aerobic exercises to do at home have great benefits for the body and mental health. These are the main ones!
- They are able to burn body fat.
- They help control overweight.
- They contribute to working the functioning of the heart, so they improve cardiac health. The heart is one of the vital organs that we pay the least attention to, and yet it is essential to extend people’s life expectancy! Discover the best foods to take care of the heart.
- Strengthens muscles and joints.
- Reduces blood cholesterol levels. In fact, it is one of the best ways to prevent diabetes, heart attacks and cardiovascular diseases.
- Helps to release accumulated tension. They serve to reduce stress and anxiety.
- Improves self-esteem.
Types of aerobic exercises
There are many sports disciplines that you can practice to burn calories and strengthen your muscles. Now, which aerobic exercises are better? The answer to this question will depend on your goals.
If you are looking to burn fat fast, you should try the high impact ones. If, on the other hand, you prioritize technique and maintaining your physical shape, the most recommended are the low-impact ones. Discover the different modalities!
Read More: To maintain a healthy heart follow 10 exercise
Most effective aerobic exercises
Although all sports are good, there are some aerobic exercises that are more effective than others. Cardio disciplines are the ones that best put the heart into operation. Dancing, dynamic team sports like soccer, basketball or volleyball, or even weights!
Most common aerobic exercises
It is not necessary to practice newly invented disciplines. Sometimes, the most common aerobic exercises are usually also the most recommended. Swim in a pool for 45 minutes, go for a bike ride in the countryside or on a bike path, or put on your running shoes and run outside.
High impact aerobics
High -impact aerobic exercises are characterized by consuming a lot of energy from the body in a short period of time. Intensity prevails over duration. Plus, they’re perfect for putting your heart to work and burning calories faster.
Among the high-impact exercises, the following stand out:
- HIIT exercises.
- CrossFit.
- Spinning.
- Running.
Low impact aerobics
Low -impact aerobic exercises, unlike the previous ones, require a greater number of sessions to burn calories. These modalities are recommended for people who do not want to force their body too much, without giving up their physical form. In addition, they are ideal for those who have recently suffered an injury.
Some examples of low-impact aerobic exercises are:
- Hiking.
- Swimming at a leisurely pace.
- Pilates and yoga.
- Golf.
- Cross country ski.
Aerobic exercise routine that you can do at home
If you’re a busy person with work and family needs to attend to, the last thing you need is having to carve out time for sports. What aerobic exercises to do at home? We bring you this routine of 6 aerobic exercises to keep fit without having to travel!
- Opening of legs and arms. For this aerobic exercise you must stand up. Coordinate the following sequence of movements: open both your arms and your legs in the first gesture, and close them immediately afterwards. Perform 2 cycles of 15 repetitions each.
- Bring your knees to your chest. Pretending to run without moving from the spot, bring your knees up to touch your chest. Remember that the movements should alternate left and then right. Do the move 20 times for 3 sets.
- Burpees. You must not lower the intensity! Arrived at the meridian of this routine, we are going to introduce high-impact aerobic exercises. Perform 3 cycles of 10 burpees each. Make sure to rest for 2 minutes and drink water to catch your breath and not push your body to the limit.
- Let’s go with some abs! On a mat, do 2 sets of 7 crunches. It is important that the tension comes from the abdominal muscles, and not from the lower back or the neck!
- jump rope Take advantage of a rope or jump rope that you have in your house. Perform 15 jumps for three cycles. It is preferable that you take less height in your jumps, but make sure not to entangle the rope between your legs. If you need to slow down, take your time!
- To finish, pedal with your legs in the air. He pretends that you are riding a bike, with your back on the mat. Hold the movement for 1 minute without stopping.
6 aerobic exercises you can do at home (infographic)
We have designed this infographic with the 6 aerobic exercises that you can do at home to facilitate the gesture of the body in each movement. Now it’s your turn: go for it!